The Christ Apostolic University College Library was first opened to its users in September 2011 when its mother institution, Christ Apostolic University College, started its academic work. The Library is located in a two-storey building with seating capacity for (64) sixty-four readers and shelving capacity for (4000) four thousand volumes. From an initial stock of (1500) one thousand five hundred volumes, the Library currently has a total stock of (3094) three thousand and ninety-four volumes covering all the academic programmes run by the University College, and (27) print journals. The CAUC Library is an accredited member of the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Ghana(CARLIGH)through which it has access to electronic books, journals, articles and papers through several databases.

The vision of the University College Library is to be an excellent centre for recorded knowledge, providing information for effective teaching, research and entrepreneurial training in the various academic programmes run by the University College.
The mission of The CAUC Library is to build a comprehensive collection of recorded information to support effective teaching, research and entrepreneurial training in Business, Theology, Information Communication Technology(ICT), Education and related fields. It is also to put in place an effective administrative system to facilitate easy access to information and to optimize the use of the library resources by students, lecturers and researchers in CAUC.
The CAUC Library’s main objective is to meet the information needs of students, lecturers and, management with minimum delay. To this end the CAYC Library aims at building a comprehensive collection of all kinds of recorded communication particularly relevant to the various academics programmes being run by the University College or proposed programs or courses to be run by the University College as it expands.