Message from the Registrar
Joseph Kwame Osam (Esq.)
You are welcome to Christ Apostolic University College (CAUC)! Enrolling at Christ Apostolic University College for your higher education is a decision in the right direction because I am sure that your aspirations for personal and professional growth will be met here at CAUC. At Christ Apostolic University College, we provide opportunities for students with various backgrounds. Our weekend and evening sessions provide opportunities for the working class. Our day sessions caters for those who are on study-leave or unemployed.
Students in all these three categories are acquiring competencies that will give them employable skills needed for the world of work. Beyond academic knowledge and professional skills, Christ Apostolic seeks to challenge her students to “Move from Effectiveness to efficiency”, Innovate, Excel, Sustain, and Serve.” These ideals guide everything we do and we hope that while here you will endeavor to identify how you can apply them in your life here at Christ Apostolic University College and thereafter.